Hey Sista,

Welcome I feel so honoured to have your presence land here. For whatever has lead you here I am super grateful and as you look through you may see a way we can connect and work together, share or collaborate.

This space is an extension of my heart, a culmination of everything I have learnt and embodied to date and a deep, lived and intuitive experience of working with women, with heart and with vibrational frequency that ripples through everything I do. I hope you enjoy your little journey through and feel the love emanating off the pages.

Have a look through my offerings and please reach out if there is questions, Or even if there isn’t and you just fancy to connect. I am always open to meeting and journeying with new friends and kindred spirits.

Blessings, light and Magic

Amanda x


“Womb hara massage with Amanda is a sacred experience. Yes, it involves deeply healing physical touch, however, it’s a multidimensional journey deep within. 

Amanda’s touch and energy feels so safe and that safety translates to being able to connect deeply to yourself and soften into feeling and healing. I was fortunate to experience 3 womb haras on a regular schedule and I really felt positive shifts within my pelvic and abdominal area. I feel this modality is something every woman deserves to experience as her birth rite. Hands on womb and belly body work is powerful has the capacity to heal generational patterns and restore our feminine equilibrium.

Amanda’s hands are intuitive and magic, she holds the most beautiful space for you to be however you need to be, and as a mother of 3 children she understands the immensity of what women, and especially mothers’, hold. Womb hara with Amanda offers space for potent healing, connection, and transformation on the physical and spiritual plane.”

- Clancy Allen

“If you’re planning to bring life into this world, or are currently pregnant and this sounds like it aligns with you and your values and vibes, I couldn’t speak higher of Amanda, her offerings, her knowledge, her love and her support during such a special journey. 

You held me, honoured me and nourished me on my maiden to mother journey and for that I am eternally grateful.”

- Monica Faucett

Awaken the Divine Feminine Energy from within…

Awaken the Divine Feminine Energy from within…

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